Vim and Emacs
Scripts and tips for VIM editor
Boussole: a simple tagged file navigator
A plugin for Vim which allows to navigate through edited file
ising a list of "tags". Tags are created by an external format and
are stored in a tag file.
Every line in this file corresponds to a tag;
leading numeric characters of a tag are considered as source code line number,
while rest of line is considered as tag decription.
For example,
grep -n "^(define" $1 | sed 's/:/ /'
will create a simple tag list for a Scheme source code file.
Default name for this command is defined in boussole.vim as:
s:tagextractor_command = "stg"
in Vim plugin directory and a tag extractor
somewhere in your PATH and include a key mapping in
nmap <F1> :Tml<CR>
and "F1" in normal mode will open a window with a list of tags.
'Enter' while cursor is in the line of desired tag
will close tag buffer and move cursor to the selected declaration.
'Space' while cursor is in the line of desired tag
will show corresponding declaration in another buffer
'q' will close tag buffer
Display status line information in ruler line
With the settings provided below information usually shown in the status line
(such as cursor position and file modification flag) may be seen in the ruler
set laststatus=1 "show status line for multiple buffers only
set rulerformat=%30(%<%m%y%h%r%=%l,%c\ %P%)
If you want to include the current byte number just insert the
in the rulerformat string.
Langmap setting for Cyrillic keyboard
It makes it possible to execute normal mode commands when keyboard is in
cyrillic mode.
This line is for koi8-r encoding,
in case of some another one you have to use a recoder against this string.
Date/Time stamps
Press triple "q" then "Enter" to insert time-stamp
iab qqq <C-R>=strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
Comment out/uncomment the region of Scheme code
Include this in your .vimrc
vmap o :s/^/;/<CR> "Comment out region: 'o' in Visual mode
vmap O :s/^;//<CR> "Uncomment it: 'O'
Now, pressing "o" in Visual mode will just insert a semicolon in the first
column of every line selected, and the "O" will remove such semicolon (if any).
Emacs/Scheme links
Emacs support for Scheme (and SXML)
Bigloo Integrated Programming Environment